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Last Updated on January 29, 2023 by Vikash Ekka

Python 3.11 is the latest version of the Python programming language. Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. It is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. By following few steps below you will be able to Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04

Python 3.11 was released on October 5, 2021, and it brings several new features and improvements over previous versions. Some of the key features in Python 3.11 include:

  • Improved performance: Python 3.11 includes several performance enhancements, making it faster than previous versions.
  • New syntax features: Python 3.11 introduces new syntax features, such as the “match” statement, which allows for more efficient and readable pattern matching.
  • Improved error handling: Python 3.11 includes improved error handling, making it easier to catch and diagnose errors in your code.
  • Better support for type annotations: Python 3.11 includes several improvements to the type annotations system, making it easier to use and more powerful.
  • Improved module loading: Python 3.11 includes improved module loading, making it easier to import and use modules in your code.

Python 3.11 is fully backward-compatible with previous versions of Python 3, which means that you can use it to run code written for older versions of Python. This makes it easy for developers to upgrade to the latest version without having to make significant changes to their code.

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Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install python 3.6 on Ubuntu 22.04

Installing Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04 can be done in a few simple steps. In this blog post, we will go over the process of installing Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04 using the terminal.

Prerequisites for Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04

There are a few prerequisites that need to be met before installing Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04. These include:

  1. Ubuntu 22.04: Python 3.11 is only compatible with Ubuntu 22.04, so you will need to have this version of Ubuntu installed on your system.
  2. Internet connection: You will need an internet connection to download and install Python 3.11.
  3. Administrator privileges: You will need to have administrator privileges on your system in order to install Python 3.11.
  4. Terminal: You will need to use the terminal to install Python 3.11, so make sure you are familiar with basic terminal commands.
  5. You should also check that you have enough disk space and memory to install Python 3.11. The space required will depend on the version you wish to install, but usually, it’s around 100MB.

Once you have met these prerequisites, you can proceed with the installation process. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully and pay attention to any error messages that may appear during the installation process.

It’s also worth noting that if you already have python 3.10 installed on your Ubuntu 22.04, it is recommended to uninstall it or create a virtual environment to test your code with python 3.11 before making the switch.

Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1: Update the package manager

Before we begin installing Python 3.11, we need to make sure that our package manager is up to date. To update the package manager, open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get update

This command will update the package manager and ensure that we have the latest versions of all the packages available to us.

Step 2: Install Python 3.11

Once the package manager is updated, we can proceed to install Python 3.11. To do this, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3.11

This command will download and install Python 3.11 on your Ubuntu 22.04 system.

Step 3: Verify the installation

To verify that Python 3.11 has been installed correctly, run the following command:

python3.11 -V

This command will display the version of Python that is currently installed on your system. You should see “Python 3.11” in the output, indicating that Python 3.11 has been installed successfully.

Step 4: Configure the default Python version

By default, Ubuntu 22.04 uses Python 3.10 as the default version. To configure Python 3.11 as the default version, run the following command:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 1

This command will configure Python 3.11 as the default version of Python on your system.

Step 5: Test the installation

To test the installation, we can create a simple Python script and run it. Open the terminal and run the following command to create a new Python script:


This command will open the nano text editor. In the editor, type the following code:

print("Python 3.11 is installed and working!")

Save the file and exit the editor by pressing “CTRL + X“, then “Y” and “Enter”.

Now, run the script by typing the following command:


You should see the output “Python 3.11 is installed and working!” on the terminal.

Also Read:

Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install python 3.6 on Ubuntu 22.04

Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04 using Source Code

Installing Python 3.11 using the source code on Ubuntu 22.04 is a bit more involved than using a package manager, but it gives you more control over the installation process. Here are the steps to install Python 3.11 using the source code on Ubuntu 22.04:

Step 1. Download the source code for Python 3.11

Make sure to download the version that corresponds to your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

Step 2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the source code.

For example, if you downloaded the source code to your home directory, you would navigate to the home directory by typing in the terminal.

cd ~

Step 3. Extract the source code archive by typing the following command in the terminal:

tar xvf Python-3.11.tar.xz

Step 4. Navigate to the Python-3.11 directory by typing below command in the terminal:

cd Python-3.11

Step 5. Configure the source code by typing the following command in the terminal:

./configure --enable-optimizations

Step 6. Compile the source code by typing the following command in the terminal:

make -j8

Step 7. Install Python 3.11 by typing the following command in the terminal:

sudo make altinstall

Step 8. Verify the installation by typing the following command in the terminal:

python3.11 -V

This should output the version number of Python 3.11, confirming that the installation was successful.

It’s worth noting that installing python from source code will not update your default python version, you’ll need to update the path to your python3.11 when calling the interpreter.

Additionally, if you have multiple versions of python installed, you can use the update-alternatives command to set the default python version.

It’s also important to keep your python version up to date by regularly checking for updates and applying them.

Also Read:

Install Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install python 3.6 on Ubuntu 22.04


In conclusion, installing Python 3.11 on Ubuntu 22.04 is a straightforward process that can be done using the terminal. By following the above steps, you can easily install Python 3.11 on your Ubuntu 22.04 system and start using it for your programming projects.

By Vikash Ekka

Hi All, My name is Vikash Ekka from India. I’m the founder and tech editor of I have completed my Graduation in BCA. I love to write technical articles like Windows, Linux & MAC Tutorials, Tips, Tricks, How To fix, Tutorials About Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security Guide, and Software Review. Currently, I have been working as an IT professional since 2018.

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